Drooling Over Stunning Muscle Jock Model Jonas Sulzbach

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Whenever I see a new shoot with the stunningly handsome and ridiculously hot Jonas Sulzbach it absolutely has to be added to the Gay Body Blog, I think you guys would agree that he is one of our favorite men to drool over. He's in a very select club, but he has to be in the top ten for many of us, right guys?

He's been photographed for Body Show Swimwear in this shoot, and he's looking even more gorgeous than before thanks to what those trunks do to his package lol

I'm not exaggerating when I say that his bulge has never looked to tempting!

Maybe that's why they chose him? After all, it seems he has a lot to put into those things, making them look so full.

Now, if only the handsome hunk would do a nude shoot, showing it all off for the guys, I think we would all be extremely happy to see that. I know he's been caught with his manhood out on camera, but a proper shoot with a great photographer would be awesome to see.

What do you think? Would you love to see him in an amazing naked shoot by the likes of Rick Day? Yeah, think about that for a moment...

I think I just asked a really stupid question that I should already know the answer to, but let me know in the comments anyway. Who know, maybe he'll be Googling himself one day and find this post? :)

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9 years ago

Again, the bulge is all but irrelevant. It is the PERFECTION that is everything else that places Jonas in the top 3 — along with Willie Gomez and Todd Sanfield.

9 years ago

Wow! I’ve seen the first photo but none of the others

9 years ago

if there was a Miss World for Men, HE would be Mr World for me.

9 years ago

he also have leak his own self jerking off webcam show

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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