Drooling For Stefan Scheenstra

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I think it's probably right if I say that a lot of you probably know the kinds of guys I'm into. You know I like real men, some hot muscle, some rough fur and some real jock types occasionally. I never really thought I was into twink boys at all, until recently.

But today, when a friend of mine sent me a couple of pics of the stunningly gorgeous Stefan Scheenstra I had to admit that I was in lust!

This young man is so handsome, and he has a great tight body too. I normally like my guys older than me and a little more built, but there is definitely something about Stefan Scheenstra that just makes me so infatuated with him.

Of course, the photography and sexy poses in some of these photos definitely help with that!

So, I don't know who all the photographers are, but I had to get a collection of pics of this incredibly sexy young man on here as soon I saw what was out there. I hope there's going to be a lot more from this lad in the future too, I can imagine him being incredibly successful as a male model - although I think a lot of us would love to see him in porn! lol

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12 years ago

PERFECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

12 years ago

PERFECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 My my sexy!

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