Drool-worthy Julian Hernandez, Steven Dehler And Joshua Brickman

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What happens when a photographer like Jorge Suarez gets together with three stunning jocks like Julian Hernandez, Steven Dehler and Joshua Brickman? Wondrous things can happen!

I have only just seen this shoot, which I was led to when searching for some images of the utterly gorgeous Joshua. I was going to share a small collection of photos of the hunk in a solo shoot, but I am so glad I went looking for more and stumbled across this amazing gathering.

So, you might know who is who already, but let me tell you just in case anyone here doesn't know. The guy with the wavy hair and the insanely hot body is Joshua, the handsome and hunky guy with the short hair is Steven, and the bearded hottie with the "come and fuck me" eyes is Julian, and for once I cannot possibly pick just one guy in a shoot to truly adore.

I can just imagine what it must have been like to be on this shoot and seeing these guys all together (and perhaps in their altogether's too! lol) I don't know how any guy can manage to focus and get their work done when they have men like these in front of them.

All three are gorgeous, but together they are capable of fueling many a fantasy!

Drool-worthy Julian Hernandez Steven Dehler And Joshua Brickman  9

Drool-worthy Julian Hernandez Steven Dehler And Joshua Brickman  8

Drool-worthy Julian Hernandez Steven Dehler And Joshua Brickman  7

Drool-worthy Julian Hernandez Steven Dehler And Joshua Brickman  6

Drool-worthy Julian Hernandez Steven Dehler And Joshua Brickman  5

Drool-worthy Julian Hernandez Steven Dehler And Joshua Brickman  4

Drool-worthy Julian Hernandez Steven Dehler And Joshua Brickman  3

Drool-worthy Julian Hernandez Steven Dehler And Joshua Brickman 2

Drool-worthy Julian Hernandez Steven Dehler And Joshua Brickman 1

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10 years ago

Last picture is fucking amazing

10 years ago

These images were published in color awhile back…still it never tires to see these gorgeous models.

10 years ago

Bar none, the best photo spread you’ve ever published. With raw material like that — clean, smooth, ink-free muscle — you cannot go wrong!

Many, many, many thanks.

P.S. I continue to believe that in a former life, I was married to Joshua Michael Brickman and we had like nine children. Enough to field an entire baseball team. Oh, well, like I said, it was a fantasy.

Henry James
Henry James
10 years ago

Three so fucking gorgeous men together do not harm any gay man. TKS!

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