Don’t You Agree We Need More Of Handsome And Hairy Charbel Bacha?

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I almost called him a daddy in the title but as I'm getting older I'm realizing that it's probably not appropriate to call someone who might be younger than me a daddy.

We don't know how old Charbel Bacha is and I can't say I care much, all I know is that he's a damn handsome and hot hunk who's got a slightly dangerous look about him.

I can't be the only one who thinks he's got a hot and sexy bad boy appearance, like a character from a Guy Richie movie about mobsters or something.

You know what I mean, right? I think it's all in the eyes and the serious expression. If he smiled that feeling would probably dissipate, but with the lighting, the beard, his expression and masculinity he really looks like a kind of Jason Statham type of guy.

Photographer Albert Sayegh is the one delivering this first look at the hunk, and you can bet that after enjoying the sight of this handsome man in some sexy underwear I'm gonna be out there later looking for more of the guy.

In the meantime, while I'm doing a little "research", enjoy these photos and leave a comment at the bottom, let me know what you think. Hit that thumbs-up button too!

Have a great Saturday, and I'll see you back here tomorrow for more hotness.

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3 years ago

Yes. Such a masculine handsome man with a gorgeous physique etc…

Thomaas Grabowski
Thomaas Grabowski
3 years ago

Yes, indeed he is an extraordinary example of a man!

3 years ago

Yes Conran, I definitely agree!

3 years ago

In the 5th photo, it looks like he’s beckoning me to come sit on Daddy’s lap. Yes, I’d still call him Daddy, even though I’m older. I think it’s his hairy chest. He looks so authoritative, but kind. Would love to see him nude, too!!

3 years ago

Love his fur.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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