Don’t We All Want To See Handsome Don Hood Wearing As Little As Possible?

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Happy Friday guys! We've reached the end of another week and I'm not sure where it's gone. I've definitely been experiencing that problem of having to check what day it is after I wake up and get to work lol

I was helped out this morning when a friend sent me these pics of handsome male model Don Hood and started the email with "he's good for a Friday post!"

Thanks Mickey!

We've never seen Don Hood on the blog before, which is surprising. He's another ridiculously handsome man who would definitely get my attention walking into a room.

He's based in New York City and he's been in the business for a while, it seems. I don't know who is responsible for these photos, I think they're all from various shoots and my buddy just picked out some of the best ones.

Yes, I am gonna be out there looking for more of this guy later. I hope he's been in some sexy or nude shoots in the past, I would love to share that with you.

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button, and why not let me know below if you're heading out to bars and stuff yet.

Have a great Friday, whatever you're doing :)

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4 years ago

Gorgeous! Especially the one with his arms crossed

3 years ago

He’s beautiful!!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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