Don’t Panic, We Have More Of Gorgeous Pierre Zamyatin
You probably knew there was more of gorgeous hunk Pierre Zamyatin coming, right? I've been trying to find plenty more of him but it seems he might be focusing more on his DJ career than taking his clothes off and displaying that damn fine body for photographers like Pavel Lepikhin.
Everyone needs a day job, right? I guess he's continuing to do more than model even though he's clearly so good at it and I could ogle that body for hours without getting bored.
If you've never seen him on the blog before I need to first ask - where have you been? Then I need you to click on his name above to see all the other posts featuring this gorgeous guy.
We're still waiting for that incredibly sexy naked shoot but maybe if we all show him plenty of love here he might get around to that eventually. I'm pretty sure he could find a photographer who wouldn't hesitate to deliver something that hot :)
This guy is definitely one of those who makes me wish I'd continued with photography when I was in college. *cries*
Enjoy him again, drop a comment below and give him a thumbs-up at the top of the post.
Most importantly, have a fantastic Saturday!