Does Anyone Know Who This Rugged Jock Hunk Is?

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Wow, I can't believe it's only Tuesday. It's been one of those weeks already and I feel like we should be coming to the end of it lol I have something that might help you feel a little better about things if you're in a similar frame of mind today. This rugged sporty hunk should be enough to distract you for a few minutes at least, he definitely had that effect on me when I saw these photos this morning. Some of you probably know already that I have a special appreciation for sporty hunks in sporty environments. So, seeing this sexy man showing off his body in some teasing pics in a locker room and shower had my attention immediately. The only problem is that I don't know who the guy is. I did a little digging and tried to find out more about him but nothing came up. Let me know in the comments if you have any ideas about his identity, and where I might find more of him. This shoot by CODE 22 showcases their 2018 collection pretty well, but I think we're mostly focused on the guy and the setting. Give me a thumbs-up on this post if you have a thing for gym showers and sporty settings too! Have a great Tuesday guys, see you back here tomorrow for some more sexiness with a studly dude.

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6 years ago

he’s delicious and his name is Leo Camara (@leocamara_ak)

6 years ago

Delicious is an understatement!
Wish we had a shot of him from the rear, bending over to reveal his tight rose bud. YUMMY!

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