Do You Want To See Sexy Tommie Fourie Photographed From A Distance?

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We enjoy a lot of muscled hunks and sexy jocks here at Gay Body Blog, but I think we need to weave in a few more twinky delights for you guys to enjoy and appreciate and I hope that the sight of this handsome and lean young man might do it for you.

His name is Tommie Fourie and I believe he's in South Africa, and that brings me to one of the most interesting things about this shoot...

It was shot via Facetime, with photographer Il Retallack in Colombia.

Yeah, you wouldn't have known that if I hadn't told you, right? There's been a lot about this disastrous year that's really surprised me. We've seen a lot of great comedy being made by independent comedians, a lot of new artists have discovered their style and begun creating more, and photographers have managed to adapt to the times and continue creating images that really surprise.

I was definitely surprised to discover that the model and photographer were so far away from each other in the creation of this shoot because you really wouldn't be able to tell from these images.

I'm guessing model Tommie Fourie took direction and lighting guidance from the photographer while framing up the shot, and it actually led to some really good images.

And I probably don't need to point out how sexy and teasing this shoot it, nor how lovely Tommie is either.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments. Don't forget to hit that thumbs-up button, and why not share the post so your friends and followers can enjoy him too?

Have a great Tuesday!

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Bobby b
Bobby b
4 years ago

Average White BoyzSexy

2 years ago

une peau sublime sur un physique à la hauteur

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