Do You Know Who This Gorgeous Man Is Getting Naked For Kirillov Sergei?
Happy Saturday guys! I've been looking forward to the weekend for basically the last five days but while I am spending most of it just doing nothing I think I've decided to bust out my oil paints and cover a canvas with something. Naturally, I need a little inspiration, and it seems I might have found it with Moscow photographer Kirillov Sergei.
If you've been around these parts for some time you probably know that I really love it when photographers get creative with their styling and compositions, and Kirillov Sergei definitely does that with these interesting studio shots of a model I have no idea about.
If you know who this guy is I hope you'll leave a comment below, because I can't find any information about him anywhere and I think he might just be a friend of the photographer. If that's the case I think we need more of him, he's handsome and sexy and he really looks good in front of the camera. He's a natural.
Let me know what you think in the comments. I will be seeing what else this photographer has done so let's hope there's a lot more gorgeous work like this out there to enjoy :)
Have a great Saturday!

he has decided to remain anonymous
Such beautiful, hsiry legs…
wonderfull ass ?
Den Kovalsky
Thanks Pierre!