Do You All Want More Of Logan Swiecki-Taylor?

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Damn, Logan Swiecki-Taylor is looking so sexy in these black and white photos by Hubert-Pierre Pouches. We saw some of the photos from this shoot yesterday but I knew there was more and that you would appreciate seeing him for the weekend :) And now, after seeing these photos, all I can think about is how amazing it would be to spend a weekend in the sun with him, skinny dipping in the pool and lounging around in the sun. This is such a teasing shoot, with plenty of shots of his perfect ass to enjoy. He's such an incredible guy, so sculpted and well-built. I don't think I'm the only one who thinks he might actually be the perfect man. I shouldn't say that. I spent all of last night watching those YouTube interviews with Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds, after seeing them together and enjoying their bromance I think either of them might be the perfect man. Will we ever see him totally naked and showing everything off in some full-frontal shots? I don't know, but we can all live in hope that one day he'll reveal all for his fans. Trust me, when that day comes there will be a considerable blog post here about it :)

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7 years ago

tasty geezer

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