Discovering Gorgeous Jock Model Jay Darko For The First Time

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How is it that we've never seen Jay Darko on the Gay Body Blog before today? Clearly I failed in some respects, or you guys just didn't tell me about him. This is your cue to leave a comment and suggest some hotties we haven't seen here before, get down there and add your own for me to go and search for! :) What can I tell you about this deliciously sexy young man? I can tell you that this sexy guy is Australian, originally from Queensland but has Croatian blood in him. You know, you can kind of see that when you know it, right? He does look Eastern European. I don't know exactly what it is about him, but he looks like the kind of guy you might see at Bel Ami. He's mostly a fitness model, and he takes part in physique contests. But I guess that's not surprising, he has everything in the right place and you can totally imagine him on stage competing against other muscled hunks as they pose and flex. I think I'm going to have to go and see what else I can find of this guy for the weekend. You guys want more of him, right? This sexy shoot is by photographer Russell Fleming, and we're all damn jealous of the guy.

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7 years ago

Those eyes!

7 years ago

He is a beauty. Incredible body.

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