Diego Vivarelli Is A Perfect Way To Start The Week

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This is another one of those times where I feel we should know about Diego Vivarelli already. I don't know how this guy never came to my attention before, but it might be that he's quite new to the modeling business. If that's the case, I get the feeling we're likely to see a lot more of the handsome and fit young man after this shoot by Ronaldo Gutierrez. I went out there looking for more of the guy after seeing one photo and it looks like this is the only shoot he's appeared in. It's a good one, though. If you love a sexy tease in a photo shoot then this guy is going to get your pulse racing. He's obviously not shy at all about showing off more than most, although we don't get any full-frontal action (yet). Check him out showing us some dick bulge in some very sexy underwear, then teasing us some more with some nude images that just about hide everything from us. We've seen that from other handsome hunks before, and it usually leads (eventually) to some great naked photo shoots. He's a handsome guy, with a great body and a lovely smile. We all want to see more of him after this, right guys? Enjoy, and have a great Monday.

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8 years ago

Not only does he start the week off right, but the rest of the month and year, as well. Great-looking, great smile, and absolutely perfect body, and I love the tan line. Where’s he been/

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