Diego Miguel And Walter Savage Look So Hot Together

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If you had to pick between Walter Savage and Diego Miguel to spend and evening with, which one would you choose? I've got some pics here to help you decide, even though I think the vast majority would demand both lol

It's a sexy shoot for Charlie by Matthew Zink, one of those brands we can always rely on for delivering some truly sexy pics of some absolutely sexy men, and in this case they've definitely done exactly that.

Although, it has to be said, with only 6 photos in this shoot that I can find it leaves us all wanting a whole lot more.

We've seen both these handsome hunks on the blog before of course, each appearing more than a couple of times I think, but seeing them together in a shoot is always going to be a winner. We could use more of them both in the same pic though, right?

Can I just say again too that it's great to see hairiness coming back. While the old unkempt style of the 60's and 70's might not be what most would strive for, this trimmed hairy masculine hunk look is definitely appreciated :)

Enjoy these guys, comment below, give them a thumbs-up and share the post out there if you can too!

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Henry James
Henry James
9 years ago

Luv them, want them , need them.

9 years ago


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