Diego Altino Is Such An Evil Tease

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I hope you're sitting down and somewhere private for this post, you deserve some privacy and alone time when looking at these photos of the devilishly sexy and teasing Diego Altino. He's been snapped for H Magazine in this shoot, showing off his incredibly hot body and teasing us with some bulge display.

Once again, I have found a guy who is completely new to us, and one that I know a lot of our readers are going to want a lot more of. Unfortunately, it seems that he's totally new to the world of showing off in front of the cameras, or at least I can't find anything else out there featuring this handsome and hunky male model.

By all means, if you know of something else he's done or some other shoot featuring him then share it in the comments and give me a lead!

What is it that makes him so sexy? Well, he's handsome, he has a hot tanned bod, he has just the right amount of fur in all the right places, and he's seemingly enjoying showing off a little and teasing the viewers. That's a hot combination that I don't think we could ever become bored with seeing.

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Diego Altino Is Such An Evil Tease 2

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Diego Altino Is Such An Evil Tease 8

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