Devin Is The Gay College Football Coach With A Kinky Secret In This New Threesome

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Gorgeous Devin Franco is the horny gay college football coach who has a secret fetish for his team's discarded jock straps, but when players Jake Waters and AJ Sloan discover his kink they're more than eager to add to the fun!

This is the kind of gay jock porn we love to see.

I know for a fact that most of you have had more than a few fantasies about college jocks and coaches over the years. This new video from Falcon Studios is probably gonna hit several buttons for you :)

We need to overlook a few things.

First, I don't think any college football coach looks like Devin Franco lol

Maybe I'm wrong? I never attended college in the US so maybe most football coaches look like male models?

Let me know in the comments.

I'm also not sure Jake or AJ are particularly convincing as being of college age. But, we can overlook these things and enjoy the kinky threesome fun they share.

None of this matters. We're here for the gay college football coach fantasy, and it's a good one.

The players discover their kinky coach has been collecting used jock straps, and the two are soon eager to add their own to the collection.

It leads to a whole lot of tasty cock sucking, hole rimming and bareback butt fucking, with everyone enjoying plenty of raw footballer dick in their butt!

Enjoy some pics but click here for the video.

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2 years ago

I like it, when coach gets fucked!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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