Demian Overduyn Makes My Monday Glorious

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I was dreading coming back to work this morning, I've been ill over the weekend and had a horrible time missing out on a couple of social engagements I'd been looking forward to for months. So, this morning I knew that there was going to be a stack of work on my desk ready for me and waiting since Friday, and I wasn't looking forward to it.

Then I arrived and spent a little time looking around for a perfect hottie for you guys for this post, and I found Demian Overduyn, needless to say my morning was suddenly much brighter and far more enjoyable!

Isn't he absolutely lovely? If you say no I will have to disown you and consider you to be not as into dudes as I originally assumed. This is the kind of guy everyone likes, and even though some readers here can be incredibly choosy when it comes to the guys they enjoy (you know who you are lol) I cannot fathom that anyone out there reading this would say no to this delicious man.

Demian Overduyn is a Dutch male model and professional dancer, which explains that stunning body. There's a lot of things to love about him, but that hairy chest is one of the sexiest things about the guy.

Photographer Tatchatrin Choeychom really knows how to capture the guy for this shoot too.

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Henry James
Henry James
10 years ago


10 years ago

I would not say he’s ugly by any means. But, I am not into guys with any hair except for that which is on top of their heads — and even that should be no longer than a standard military cut. Demian’s body hair is actually quite slight and one of his most attractive features.

But, if I saw him on the street, the beard is a non-starter. Of course, if he eventually finds his balls and no longer feels he needs the beard to be a “real man” (there’s documented evidence that men who wear facial hair have some doubts — even if subconsciously — about their masculinity; I am not making this up), then we can talk.

Reply to  curious_sixty_two
10 years ago

Hair is a natural thing. No shave look is natural, and I like it. Pluck chicken look is so passe now, and it makes me think people who remove every inch of their body and facial hair (except on their head, brows and lashes) are having problems with getting old…

Reply to  curious_sixty_two
10 years ago

I turn 53 in a a couple of months. The only thing I miss about being 23 is the great eye sight I had for reading. My long body hair, full beard (if I allow it) are the same as they were 30 years ago — and very little of it gray, thank you. And,I keep them just as trim as I did then. Not because I have problems with age; I have problems with heat. The less hair, the cooler my body temperature. And, yes, it looks and feels better.

If I was fond of body hair, I might as well date an ape. My taste and a minority one at that — I understand. To each his own.

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