Delicious Rafael Lazzini

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Fashion model Rafael Lazzini is one of those South American male models who is pretty versatile, able to show off the latest fashion of the season and get his kit off for some sexy and steamy shoots too.

These pics show the delicious young man a little while ago, before he bulked up on his muscle a little more and shortened his hair. He's also added a little ink to his body since then. But while I love to see a guy with some sexy ink on his body, I actually prefer these images! They almost look like the kind of kinky style offered by a certain famous gay adult site packed with European men, don't you think? And I'll bet a lot of you know exactly what site I'm talking about too lol

This guy is so handsome, but that body is really lean and pretty tight too. I really love the natural furry trail leading down to what his hand is covering in the final shots, I just wish he'd been a little more daring and done some nude work too ;)

Having said that, please let me know if any of you guys have found anything out there a little more revealing, I'd love to see it!

Brazilian Model Rafael Lazzini Nude Brazilian Model Rafael Lazzini Nude Brazilian Model Rafael Lazzini Nude Brazilian Model Rafael Lazzini Nude Brazilian Model Rafael Lazzini Nude Brazilian Model Rafael Lazzini Nude

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13 years ago

I have such a weakness for shaggy-haired boys…

13 years ago

It’s the towel shot guys and that gorgeous treasure trail! uffgh!

13 years ago

he is just PERFECTION !…those eyes & lips ..I think I’ll be heading SOUTH for the Winter!

Thanks so much for this blog & keeping me up with the beauties of this Planet!


Marc Margetts
Marc Margetts
13 years ago

Yes! I need this boy’s body in my bed tonight. I’ll take the day off work tomorrow and cook him breakfast.

12 years ago

It’s a nice pics,,,,,.

Very beautiful in sight, as if my eyes would not blink at all and I want keep hugs his body every times.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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