We Definitely Need More Of Blond Hunk Patrick Henning

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Patrick Henning has popped up twice on the Gay Body Blog in the last few months and with good reason. He's a handsome and buff male model with a great body that I think we all want to see regularly. Most of you will be familiar with photographer Armando Adajar, he has great taste in men. We've enjoyed his sexy images plenty of times before, and he always knows how to package a hunk like this guy perfectly. It's a shoot for Krakatoa Underwear, a brand I'm not at all familiar with, but I think we can agree that Patrick shows off their gear pretty well. Although it has to be said, there's not enough of him in this collection and we're left wanting more of him by the end. I'm pretty sure he's relatively new to the business, there's not a whole lot of him out there and what there is only seems to go back to last year. But, that's a good thing, it kinda looks like he burst out into the scene and if that's the case then he's doing pretty well. We all look forward to more from the guy, right? Leave a comment, hit the thumbs up, share the post. Have a wonderful Monday!

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