Dean Perona Shows Some Muscle For Christian Oita

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How much do we all wish we were photographer Christian Oita? I'm guessing some of you are now imagining what it would be like to go to work every day knowing you have someone like Dean Perona taking his clothes off in front of your camera.

Yep, think about that for a little while, I know I will be once I've written this post for you guys to check out :)

We saw the first shots of this handsome man in December but although I've tried to find out more about him he's still something of a mystery. We know he's in the UK and that he's been signed to several major agencies, and that we're likely to be seeing a lot more of him in 2019 as brands pick him up for some of their shoots, but we still need to know more.

Is it wrong of me to hope that he becomes primarily an underwear model? I guess he's capable of doing all kinds of shoots for all kinds of brands, but although he looks just as good in a suit as he does in anything else, we all want to see him wearing as little as possible! lol

I can totally see him in one of those awesomely erotic shoots by Rick Day, too. We haven't seen many of those over the last year but this gorgeous guy would make a perfect model for one his classic sporty bedroom naked shoots, don't you think?

Let me know what you guys think of him in the comments, hit that thumbs-up button too.

Have a fantastic Monday! :)

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