Davood Ghadami Naked

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I hope you're all having a great weekend! I am, the weather here is gorgeous right now and I plan to go and hang out in the park later (secretly hoping there are some shirtless guys enjoying a kick about).

So, a couple of days ago I shared some pics of David Witts flashing us his tempting bulge for Attitude Magazine, and although I wasn't too bothered about the fact that he appeared in EastEnders (usually that would be a mark against the character of any actor lol) I had to share this guy too when I saw some of his pics.

Apparently Davood Ghadami is an actor from the soap too, but I'm willing to ignore that in an effort to really enjoy the sight of him naked, teasing us with some very sexy poses. He's clearly not a professional male model, but he has that hunky Rugby player look about him, a masculinity which makes him very hot indeed.

I'm actually starting to wonder if perhaps I've been missing out on some very gorgeous guys by not watching it. Then again, is it really worth the risk of suffering extreme depression just to admire a handsome man? No, I think I'll carry on pretending the soaps don't exist and just enjoy these guys when I see them in shoots lol

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Hami Huss
Hami Huss
9 years ago

Nice PIcs

3 years ago

Wow seeing the side of his bum, you just know how amazing his bum actually is. Then, you see his pubes too, just about and it just makes for the perfect man wow. I wish i could see his bum coz I have always wanted too.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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