Davide Zongoli Is Still One Of My Faves

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Why the hell has it been so long since we last ogled the gorgeous muscled physique of Davide Zongoli? The last time we saw him was back in October of 2017, which weirdly seems like only last month when I look at those photos by Borja Penacho.

Obviously I've been slacking, or Davide hasn't been appearing in as many shoots as we would like. I can understand that, though, he's apparently a busy guy and works in dance and acrobatics too, flying through the air on strings and things like that.

Yeah, that's how you get a body like his, and although I would really (and I mean REALLY) love to look like that I can't dance to save my life and I'm scared of heights too.

It's okay, I'm happy just enjoying his remarkable body and imagining I might one day look like that if I keep going to the gym.

Spoiler: I won't ever look like this.

Joan Crisol is the photographer delivering this lovely collection of photos of the handsome muscle hunk, and of course we all want a lot more.

Enjoy, leave a comment, share the post, hit that thumbs-up button and have a great Monday too! Don't forget to let me know if you have any hunky men you think I should be checking out.

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Mistress Borghese
Mistress Borghese
5 years ago

Davide is a favorite of mine too. I follow his Only Fans page, and he has some very revealing pictures and jo videos on there. The guy is stacked in that department too. And lucky for us, he’s not shy!!!!!

Derek Bond
Derek Bond
5 years ago


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