Dark And Hot – Chad White By Joseph Sinclair

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I think you know by now that for me it's not only about the guy appearing in a collection of pics. I love some of the creative ways a photographer shows a model, and although I have a whole lot of fun adding some of the hardcore and nude shoots on here for you guys, I really like being able to share a creative shoot with a really hot male model like Chad White.

I was checking out some photo collections yesterday when I stumbled across this great collection of stylish and creative images that I thought I must share with you. Of course, it helps that the gorgeous Chad White is the star of the show for these, but the photographer and styling are equally impressive.

Joseph Sinclair is the artist behind these pics, with a bit of a dark and fetishistic edge to them. Having been into the fetish club scene before (long ago, in my very early youth!), I can really imagine some of these adorning the walls of a dungeon or being used in some marketing for a fetish night.

There are a couple here that I would love to put on canvas too. I know, it's something I keep saying I'll get back into, but there's not enough hours in the day!

But tell me, would you want to see them if I did? Wow, that would be a cool ego boost for me wouldn't it? lol

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13 years ago

So many guys, so little time!!!!!!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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