Dark And Handsome Uncut Jock Luis

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Even though I love cocks of all shapes and sizes, there is something so pleasing about seeing an uncut jock like Luis on the Sean Cody site. They seem to get that his foreskin is a good thing to focus on too, talking about his hood at the start when he's showing off his naked body.

I love the way he says "I like it", when asked about whether it feels good... and what a dumb question to ask! The guy obviously doesn't know if it feels better than being cut (scientifically it should, given that the foreskin holds millions of nerve endings), asking him that is a little stupid lol

But, regardless of that, it's so hot to see him enjoying his big curved uncut dick in this jack off video, and although I've now watched him jacking out his cum twice I think I'm gonna go back and watch it again tonight.

I'm wondering what they'll have the guy coming back to do next. I would love to see him fucking one of the other new guys they've had arrive over the last month. My money is on him banging Duke - if Duke would let him stick that uncut meat in his ass ;)

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10 years ago

his cock is really weird..

Reply to  Arthur
10 years ago

I don’t think it is weird at all. I have asked before, but I would still like to see a picture of your uncut cock, Conran. All of us boys in the U.S. who are uncut would be proud.

Reply to  Arthur
10 years ago

Cut cocks are “weird” by very definition. Foreskin is natural, circumcision is genital mutilation.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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