Danilo Meireles With Cat – by Ronaldo Gutierrez

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I know that some of you might be too distracted by the sight of the muscled body and handsome good looks of Danilo Meireles to even notice the cat, but it's something that has had me looking at this collection of photos by Ronaldo Gutierrez with more than just a quizzical look.

Lets first mention that this guy is very handsome, and its great to see another buff guy sporting the bearded look (yay for beards!)

He has a gym buff body to go with that adorable face too, and I probably don't need to point out the rather tempting sight of his bulge in this shoot either - although we could certainly always do with seeing more of that in a shoot with a guy like this!

Now, lets discuss the cat.

Why, may I ask?

That's pretty much it, just why? It makes little sense, and although I think most of us love to see a handsome and hunky man holding anything cute and furry in a shoot, it just seems a little odd. It doesn't just appear once either, although you're more likely to miss the second peeking pussy incident.

Anyway, enjoy the pics, and if you can explain the cat then please do. lol

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10 years ago

As I see it, the cat was just a prop. The problem was hottie Danilo didn’t relate to his furry pal camera-wise and showed no affectionate emotion. Besides, poor kitty was like a deer in headlights.

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