Daniello Danure Tops Johnny Viper After A Dildo Play Session

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We're getting something special in this dildo play session with Daniello Danure and Johnny Viper! As you might know, I love the hardcore action from Jawked. They've been delivering some truly hot new hunks since their inception a couple of years ago. Daniello is one of their finds, and Johnny Viper is still pretty new to the business. Up until now Daniello has been a dedicated bottom, but we're about to see him top for the first time in this hardcore scene. It looks like he's been holding out on us. After waking up feeling horny beside Johnny he's eager to enjoy some solo dildo play. He's a sweet guy and he doesn't want to wake up his lover. Now, I know you don't see the dildo play in the pics, but trust me it starts out with some great solo play that you're gonna love. He should have just woken his buddy up, because handsome Johnny is more than eager to get down and dirty whenever he is :) With his ass being pumped full of that toy it's inevitable his buddy would wake up, and in moments Johnny is sucking on that dick and ramming that toy deeper. I was expecting Daniello to take that cock from Johnny, but with some delicious oral Johnny is soon giving up his hole for his friend to plunder. It's a great scene, Daniello was awesome as a bottom but he really delivers a great fuck for his lover in this session. Click here and watch the full dildo play and bareback scene!

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