Daniele Mazzola Nude

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Okay guys I know some of you might be a little disappointed that I titled this one Daniele Mazzola Nude and you don't get to see absolutely everything, but I think some of the more classy readers out there will appreciate this sexy shoot of the handsome young man showing off a little more flesh than we might be used to from a mainstream model.

For those who might not know anything about Daniele Mazzola I can tell you just a little about him and this shoot, but not much. He's a hot Italian male model, and the shoot is by Wong Sim. That's all I know!

Wong is one of our top fave photographers out there in the world right now, simply because he knows how to shoot very sexy guys in very sexy poses, and his shoots are always amazing. He's in the top ten list with the likes of Rick Day and Serge Lee, and I think a lot of you guys would agree.

Wouldn't all of you love to wake up beside this handsome young man in your bed? If you just said no then once again you need a slap, he's a very sexy guy with a hot bod and I'm looking forward to sharing more of this guy in the future.

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9 years ago

Beautiful…but I don’t understand the scruff, and yet completely hairless everywhere else?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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