Dancer/Model Charlie G

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Let me get one thing straight, I don't normally pimp myself out. But in this case,

if you happen to be out there Charlie G... Your place or mine?

This is Charlie G William, hailing from LA. He's a dancer originally, but found an avenue into the world of Modelling in early 2010. It seems this hot young man can be found in some quite high-profile places, having performed on Broadway (presumably as a dancer), so it's no wonder he was picked up and driven toward the world of posing in front of the camera. It's just a shame he wasn't pulled into the adult business instead.

Oh come on, you know you want to see it!

He's so good-looking, and that body is just perfect. It seems inevitable that such a gorgeous young man would be picked out of the crowd and face the limelight. So where is he now? Google doesn't offer much more than the blog posts out there featuring his hot images (like this one). So he obviously made waves and created quite a buzz amongst connoisseurs of the male form.

He does however have a FaceBook profile. And no, I didn't. That's almost stalking isn't it?

So how about it Charlie G the hot young Dancer from LA, you wanna Tango?

Charlie G William - Muscle! Charlie G William Getting all wet for you... me!Charlie G William "The Thoughtful Pose"Charlie G Wiliam - Look at those abs!Charlie G William - Why am I thinking "Vogue"? (Madonna, not the mag)Charlie G William - A little to your right please Mr William

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14 years ago

I always enjoy your blog; you have great guys all the time. But THIS guy is in a class by himself. When you asked the other day if that guy was “still the sexiest man alive”, the answer now has to be “no”, because this guy is!

14 years ago

charlie is one of the sexiest Broadway dancers I have ever seen. I think he is bisexual but very gay friendly

1 year ago

A friend of mine. He’s so fucking beautiful…and talented….and nice to boot. Exactly the kind of guy that makes you want to kill yourself. Ugghhhh such perfection.

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