Dan Murphy Gets Us All Hot And Bothered!

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I know that this post is going to annoy some of you guys, but for good reasons. It's featuring the gorgeous Dan Murphy, showing off his naked body but being incredibly teasing and not giving us everything. Yeah, it sucks, just a little lol

I guess we shouldn't be too surprised, every shoot I've seen with this gorgeous guy involved a well placed limb or a carefully positioned angle to avoid revealing too much. Some of his underwear shots are a little more impressive and give a hint that he has quite a bit there to hide :)

This shoot is by James Demitri, and I think we're all jealous of the guy. You know he got to see more than we are, and out there somewhere there are probably more pics that were never published.

I'm not too sure about the leather gloves, that's a fashion statement I never thought I would see coming back. I had a pair as a teen but I assure you there was no sexual connotations to that lol

Or maybe there were and I just didn't think about it?

This guy is so hot, and he's looking even hotter these days now that he's gained a little more muscle. He used to be a fit young man with a slightly twinky appearance, but he's definitely more of a handsome jock these days.

Let me know if you guys find any proper nude shots of him out there, I would love to share them on the blog.

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