Damon Danilo At Cam With Him

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It's been a little while since I added some of the hot shots from the Cam With Him site, and when I was looking through their cam hunk photo galleries yesterday I found some really hot pics of the hunky Damon Danilo - I realized I'd never posted any pics of this dude before!

How on earth can we have a gay blog - dedicated to the hunky men - without having some pics of Damon on here!? lol

So I've grabbed some of those shots from one of the galleries there, with the big muscled hunk being all modest and secretive in a bathroom photo shoot, and I've collected a few shots of the guy from out on the net too.

I'm sure you know me well enough by now to know that I don't normally have a thing for really big muscled guys, but I suppose there are always exceptions. Damon Danilo is that exception for me when it comes t the bigger dude. Having seen the guy butt naked and in all his glory a few times on a couple of sites, I can certainly see why I like him so much...

Yeah, the guy is pretty hung, along with being one seriously pumped up dude!

Check out some his pics from Cam With Him, a really sexy poolside shot by Dylan Rosser, and a full-on nude shot that I have no idea who took.


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13 years ago

DAMN he is my favorite!!!!! thanks sooooooooo much for this!!!!!!! 🙂

6 months ago

Is that a bone too heavy to lift itself up, or is it hanging limp at 8 inches?

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