Damien Pannier In Underwear by Anton Jhonsen

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You guys probably know by now that it's a double-whammy on Fridays. I kinda figure that you need a lot of hot and hunky men on a Friday to get you all horny and revved up for the weekend, and I'm pretty sure that seeing some of the really sexy pics of the gorgeous Damien Pannier by Anton Jhonsen will help to get you there too.

There is something really intense about seeing a really sexy guy like him him posing in nothing but his underwear. And I'm pretty sure that even though you've enjoyed the earlier post today of some complete hardcore solo action you'll be turned on by this collection of sexy shots too.

So Damien Pannier is a pretty new guy to me. I like to think I'm pretty aware of some of the biggest names in the modeling business, but I don't know much about this guy. Obviously, I could just say hat he's really handsome and sexy, and he has a great bulge too. But I can also tell you he's French.

Unfortunately, that's about all I can tell you about him so far, because there's doesn't seem to be much out there.

Apparently, according to my sources, he's a rising star in the modeling world. And long may he continue to rise too, I'd love to see more of this guy and I can't wait until someone like Rick Day gets his hands on him (so to speak!)

Damien Pannier In Underwear by Anton Jhonsen (1) Damien Pannier In Underwear by Anton Jhonsen (2) Damien Pannier In Underwear by Anton Jhonsen (3) Damien Pannier In Underwear by Anton Jhonsen (4) Damien Pannier In Underwear by Anton Jhonsen (5) Damien Pannier In Underwear by Anton Jhonsen (6) Damien Pannier In Underwear by Anton Jhonsen (7)  

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12 years ago

He is very sexy and a nice huge bulge, too! thanks for posting his pics!

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