Curly Haired Muscle Man Sean Sullivan
Lets put the boy toys and the pretty guys away for a moment or two and focus on a real MAN. There are plenty out there, but when I saw this guy I immediately knew he was one to feature, just for us guys who love the real manly men.
Sean Sullivan is definitely a manly man, you can tell that just by looking at him. I'm kind of hoping that he doesn't moisturize, shave his butt or spend an hour in front of the mirror, because that would spoil it for me :)
The dude is an American model originally from Utah, with a sporty background too. You can tell that from his body though, can't you? Is it just me or do guys who spend their entire time in the gym just look different to guys who are genuinely sporty? There's no doubt the dude works out, but he really does look like he plays ball - so to speak.
He was heading for a career as a pro football player in his younger years but had to give up on that due to injury. Thankfully he had his handsome good looks and that body amazing to fall back on, and although he didn't find enough work in the beginning, after moving to Los Angeles things really started up and he became a favorite of some established photographers. This led to a bigger leap in 2009 when he graced the cover of Tetu Magazine, so lets hope we see a whole lot more of this gorgeous guy in the future!