Cory Bond – Rugged and… Woolen?

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Does anyone else think Cory Bond has a similar look to David Gandy? Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me. I guess that happens when you spend as long as I do searching for - and drooling over - so many images of hot guys. :)

This is Cory Bond, and he is sexy as a sexy guy in the sexiest place doing the sexiest things. Or at least that's my opinion.

There are two shoots here, but half of the images are for Varon magazine - photography by Randall Bachner. Although the fashion might be a little "Ugly Betty meets The Knitting Circle" (that sounded more intelligent in my head), Cory does a great job of wearing it, making what could be seen as a little strange actually look rather stylish and very interesting.

The stylist Bernat Buscato lends his very individual textile rendering to the overall sense of contrast in these pics. And while I personally might not be found out on the town in any of these outfits, I definitely wouldn't turn down some time with a guy like Cory if he was wearing it. lol

Cory is working with Major Model Management and has appeared for some large names including D&G, Guess and Cesare Paciotti. We all know that versatility is important for success in being a male model, and it seems that there are three looks all top male models can pull off well; Preppy/Sporty, Debonair and then Rugged. While the latter shots are definitely on the rugged side, he does all three very well if the images I've seen in my searching are any indication.

Can I mention the bulge without sounding like I need to get laid? Well, I guess I just have.

Cory Bond - Large Bulge!Cory Bond - Nice AssCory Bond - MuscleCory Bond - Treasure TrailCory Bond - Muscled BodyCory Bond - Huge Boots!Cory Bond - Enjoying the ViewCory Bond - Relaxing

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13 years ago

Shots1 and 3 look like a number was done on Cory’s manly chest hair. Sad.

13 years ago

Wow! The perfect boy!

12 years ago

YES YES YES! more please?

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