Cooper Koch Gets Naked On Screen

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Cooper Koch is gay, gorgeous, and has frontal nudity. Need we say more? Quite frankly, not, but we’re going to anyway.

Koch first got naked in They/Them, which is a gay conversion camp horror movie. There’s a Netflix category we didn't see coming. Cooper and his costar Darwin Del Fabro go skinny dipping before heading back to the cabin where Cooper saddles up to Darwin from behind. He then shoves his dick inside Darwin for some amazing standing bareback sex!

But today is really about the new gross-out thriller, Swallowed. Cooper plays a young gay man who wants to make some extra cash being a drug mule before embarking on a career in gay porn. But he doesn’t think to ask what drugs smuggling via swallowing. (SPOILER: They’re worms. He's swallowing condoms filled with worms). Maria Full Of Gross.

No matter. We’re here for the incredible full frontal nudity in Swallowed. Things get good an hour into the flick, when Cooper slides down his pants to reveal his egregiously pronounced visible penis line to a man with a gun. Cooper then slides down his undies, revealing a world-class uncut cock and some incredible low-hanging balls.

A few minutes later Cooper Koch shows his ass while slipping into the tub…

Before sashaying across the room with his fluffed-out dick on full display. This will undoubtedly be one of the best full frontal scenes of the decade, so everyone, take note.

See our favorite celeb cocks here

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2 years ago

5/7 ou 7/10 bonne moyenne de bonnes photos , donc un pouce levé mérité

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