Come Inside My Chimney: Hottest Naked Santas

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Ho, ho, horny is exactly what you’ll be after peeking Hollywood’s hottest Santas sans their seasonal wear. We can’t think of a better way to celebrate the Holidays than to check out their goodies. These hotties won’t be the only ones emptying their big red sacs all over the place. Right?

A young Ryan Phillippe donned a Santa suit for a steamy photo shoot in the disco era flick 54, but we’re more interested in checking out his insanely yummy bare buns in the same movie.

Ben Affleck might have filled the heck out of a mall Santa suit for the thriller Reindeer Games, but we’d like to fill his perfectly plump butt shown once the suit comes off.

The best nude Santa is none other than the stunningly sexy Jake Gyllenhaal in Jarhead, his character Anthony Swofford rang in the season with the troops by gyrating his ripped body while wearing only a skimpy Santa hat codpiece. Sit on his lap? Don’t mind if we do.

Bryce Johnson showed everyone what his abs looked like, portraying a sexy and shirtless Santa in an entertaining Christmas-themed episode of Glee. Bryce can come down our chimney anytime he wants! 

Timothy Olyphant from Deadwood shows off his Santa hat in the hilarious thriller Go from 1999 – a must watch.

Last but not least is Matt D’Elia in American Animal where he moons us in a Santa hat and then us ALLLLL the goodies. Hung with care indeed.

Yes, that is our favorite Italian-American stallion, Mark Ruffalo holding his Santa peen in the romantic drama XX/XY. He also shows us his bubble butt later in the flick. What is it about Santa hats and butts?

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