Colton Reece Gives Unexpected Guest Austin Avery A Great Ride

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It's time for some hardcore horny fun on the blog and I think I have just the thing with this new video from the FalconStudios site!

There's a story to this session of hook-up action with Colton Reece and Austin Avery but you're gonna have to check out the site to get the full low-down.

Basically, Austin is playing the role of a hot hitchhiker who finds himself in the right place at the right time, picked up by Josh and Dan and taken along to visit Colton Reece at his place in the woods.

What could have just been a momentary pause on his journey becomes a lot more interesting.

There's an instant spark between the random visitor and his unexpected host. When Josh gets up in the night he catches them going at it in the den!

I don't know how he stops himself from joining in with these two, I would be right in there with my own cock ready to have some fun!

Check out the pics of the action with Colton cramming his naked dick between those cheeks and giving Austin an awesome ride on his boner.

Click through for the video!

Damn, now I want to go hitchhiking to see what kind of horny trouble I could get myself into lol

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4 years ago

I just bought this movie, called Califuckinfornia. It’s a very hot one, especially the scene with Dick Dawson!

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