COLT Icon Steve Kelso

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It's time for some hard dicked action on the blog, and although I was tempted by so many hardcore releases on so many adored sites out there this week I had to go with a COLT Icon and share these photos of the immense classing stud Steve Kelso when I saw the promo pics featuring him.

There are some names in the gay adult business that have such a legacy over decades, and I think we all agree that COLT is one of the biggest of all. I remember jacking off over some of their action many, many years ago, and it was one of the first introductions to gay porn I ever had. This was in the mid 90's though, long after they'd already made a name for themselves and introduced so many hunky studs to the world.

Steve Kelso is one of those I think many here will be familiar with. His muscled and manly physique is perfectly reminiscent of those days of classic gay erotica, long before we had such a massive selection of hardcore action to choose from, significantly long before gay erotica was available to anyone other than those who had the balls to rent a VHS or sneak surreptitiously into a gay adult cinema - all of which only existed in the major cities anyway.

Enjoy his classic shoot in this collection, and make sure you click through and check out some of the real men of gay porn from back in the day, when you get the chance.

Have a great Friday!

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3 years ago

Steve Kelso is one hot gay stud of a man. A man’s man in every way.

John Holmes
John Holmes
1 year ago

Love Kelso’s package – one well hung guy who also has a very sexy body.

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