Cole Gets His First On-Screen Bareback Fuck

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Lucky young Cole has only recently started out on the Sean Cody site, but they've teamed him up with a real hottie for his very first on-screen bareback fuck. Handsome jock Tanner is the one to deliver his dick to that hot raw hole, and he's pretty experienced at giving a boy like Cole a great ride.

Cole has only been in a solo jack off before this one, and it was a real hot solo too. I think although a lot of the members there love real defined muscled young men like Tanner, when a lean pale guy like Cole comes along it makes a refreshing change.

As I said, Tanner is a real pro, he's appeared in twelve other scenes on the site already, starting with his own jack off and enjoying some great duo scenes and threesome fucks too. He's not just a top, he's taken some considerable inches in his own ass and loved every second of it.

This is a great video, and you can tell just how much fun both these guys are having all the way through. It's gonna be good to see what this new guy gets up to in the future ;)

Cole Gets His First On-Screen Bareback Fuck (1)

Cole Gets His First On-Screen Bareback Fuck (2)

Cole Gets His First On-Screen Bareback Fuck (3)

Cole Gets His First On-Screen Bareback Fuck (4)

Cole Gets His First On-Screen Bareback Fuck (5)

Cole Gets His First On-Screen Bareback Fuck (6)

Cole Gets His First On-Screen Bareback Fuck (7)

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