Classic Muscle Hunks

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There was a little discussion after my previous post featuring the Brewer Twins, but it wasn't as I was expecting. Instead of debating the issue of brothers appearing in sensual poses, the discussion was more about the age of the images. This wasn't what I was expecting, but it prompted me to offer these images of some classic male muscle photography, perhaps to see what the opinions are?

Personally, I love the old images of companies like the Athletic Model Guild. Their depiction of male beauty was often classic and interesting, capturing their models in remarkable images that are more suggestive and echo the ancient appreciation of physical masculinity.

While I feel that a lot of those in the 40's and 50's were secretly covering up their real intention of creating hardcore gay porn, they did eventually move in that direction, with full nudes and erotic photography that really did show the sexual desire and interest more blatantly.

For me, images like these below were the starting point for the gay porn industry we have today. Without these trailblazers, where would we be? Suggesting it's unimportant now would be like suggesting the VHS tape did nothing for the movie industry.

I love old, classic, suggestive gay erotica. And I'm proud! lol

Vintage Gay Modeling (1) Vintage Gay Modeling (2) Vintage Gay Modeling (3) Vintage Gay Modeling (4) Vintage Gay Modeling (5) Vintage Gay Modeling (6) Vintage Gay Modeling (7) Vintage Gay Modeling (8) Vintage Gay Modeling (9) Vintage Gay Modeling (10) Vintage Gay Modeling (11)

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13 years ago

total classic muscle-the reason we guys work out-thank you so much.

13 years ago

Nostalgy – Souvenir Souvenir
but quite more natural models, more than nowadays

13 years ago

WOW!..this was considered PORN and IF they touched,like that hand shake, that was SEX! HA HA!..they should only know


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