Christopher Blom Is So Gorgeous It’s Ridiculous

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How is that we haven't seen Christopher Blom on the Gay Body Blog before today? Then again, I find myself saying this a lot, when you consider how many gorgeous male models there are out there in the world it shouldn't really surprise me that we miss out on some real hotties now and then. I know a little about this guy, but I need to know more after seeing him in nothing but some tight and revealing underwear for photographer Paul van der Linde. I believe he's 24 or 25 at the moment. This shoot is from 2013. Yes, I have been out there looking for more of the gorgeous guy assuming he would have done a lot more since, but it (sadly) seems that he disappeared from the modeling world. He's a Danish hottie, with blond hair and blue eyes, a totally sexy body, and what appears to be a pretty generously proportioned cock stashed away in his underwear. From what I gather he started out as a twinkier model when he was a teen, then got a little more athletic and buff, and this is how he looked before he presumably moved on from being in front of the cameras. I know I'm not the only one thinking he looks like a Bel Ami Model. Enjoy his pics, leave a comment, share the post around out there. Most importantly, have a great Sunday :)

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8 years ago

This guy is one handsome man !

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