Chris Stewart Is Proud Of His Buns And Big Twink Penis!
Ashton Jay is the kind of photographer we could obsess over, especially when he's sharing big twink penis like this.
He's one of those photographers who blurs that line between truly classy and skilled art and eroticism.
You know I love it when a shoot could technically be porn or just a great collection of stylish images with a hot guy. These photos of Chris Stewart fit that description so well.
We know nothing about this young man. If you have any info I hope you'll drop it in the comments below.
I did try to do a little digging but with a name as common as that it's almost impossible.
What we do know is that he has a gorgeous ass and a big twink penis to display.
He also has all the confidence a boy needs to be posing for a skilled photographer like Ashton.
It's a perfect mix.
He's a very fit young man and I think I can accurately predict you'd all love to see more of this boy and his big twink penis. I'm hoping I can find more of him out there.
Check him out, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post!
Have a great Tuesday and I'll see you back here tomorrow.

and one, and two, and three, and four and five reasons to love His body