Checking Out Footballer And Model Tyler Cameron

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How many footballer and model combos have we seen?

It feels like there aren't many.

Tyler Cameron is one of the few, even though he's technically not a footballer. I know it's all pretty confusing, but let me explain if you've never seen this handsome man before.

He came to prominence originally as a TV personality. Starting out in season fifteen of The Bachelorette and coming in second place.

He was already a model at the time, but he definitely got a lot more attention for his appearance on the show.

His football career started in high school and continued in college, but although he was signed to Baltimore Ravens he suffered a shoulder injury which ended that aspiration.

Thankfully he had his modeling skills to fall back on. He started posing for photographers back in college and it seems as though that's continued on and off ever since.

I'm actually surprised we haven't seen him here before, but these photos will hopefully be the start of more.

One of the best things about him is that he's clearly eager and willing to be super sexy. Check out that underwear shot!

and is it just me or does he look like a country music star? Something about him gives me that energy lol

Anyway, enjoy this handsome footballer and model. Leave a comment if you want more of him!

Have a lovely Friday :)

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1 year ago

footballer?: I have a doubt about , probably worker in the dangerous building construction or maitenance of external windows

1 year ago

Tyler is stunningly beautiful. He was on The Bachelorette about 8-9 years ago and was the second-place winner, if I recall correctly. Sure wish he’d do an OnlyFans page.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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