Check Out The Sexy Underwear Cock Bulge On Daniel Fit!
We all love a good underwear cock bulge, but we love it even more when the guy is as hot as Daniel Fit.
Happy Friday guys! This handsome young man is definitely going to improve your day. I needed it a little, my bathroom still isn't finished after several days of guys cutting my power and drilling things lol
It looks like I'm gonna be without a bathroom for the entire weekend.
You're probably going to want to know more about this guy, too. Unfortunately, I know nothing, so we're in the same boat.
The only posts I could find about him include these photos by David Velez, and they're from 2018.
I found a link to an Instagram account, but the account no longer exists.
I guess this happens from time to time, when guys move on from what they were doing.
Whatever the deal is, he looks familiar. I'm thinking he might also be British. I'm not claiming to be an expert, but he kind of looks like a British lad, doesn't he?
Does that sexy underwear cock bulge give any clues? lol
Anyway, enjoy him, and please leave a comment if you have any more info about him. I would really love to find some more shoots featuring him.
Have a lovely Friday!

de bien belles pauses et quel mec sexy