Check Out The Incredible Physique Of Gorgeous Gym Hunk Kamil Nicalek

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The sight of a gorgeous gym hunk is enough to have me wanting to work out.

Even though I know I couldn't ever achieve this kind of physique, I still get the urge to try.

We've actually seen a model going by this name before here at Gay Body Blog, but that was back in 2017 and I'm pretty sure this is a completely different hunk. I'll link to that last guy here, just so you can check.

If it is the same hot guy I'm shocked by how much he's changed since that last shoot, and I should probably apologize for describing him as Polish if he isn't lol

This is sexy Croatian-American model Kamil Nicalek. He's definitely one of the hottest men I've seen so far this month, and I've already seen a lot of hot men.

It's not just the body. Those blue eyes are stunning. His face is perhaps perfect.

Of course this shoot by New York photographer Jon Malinowski has me wanting to get back to the gym again. And maybe find a handsome personal trainer to help motivate me back into it :)

I really never imagined that I would miss the gym as much as I have been. If I'm completely honest I probably miss the eye candy more and it was probably just an excuse to cruise and hook up lol

You wouldn't be able to resist staring at this handsome guy if he was working up a sweat at your gym.

Enjoy these pics of this ridiculously gorgeous gym hunk showing off his perfect body and spend a little time contemplating what it would be like to have him as a workout buddy. I'd be far too distracted by him.

Leave a comment too. Hit that thumbs-up button! Have a great Monday.

Gorgeous Gym Hunk Kamil Nicalek
Gorgeous Gym Hunk Kamil Nicalek
Gorgeous Gym Hunk Kamil Nicalek
Gorgeous Gym Hunk Kamil Nicalek

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4 years ago

The tattoo on the right forearm is the same in both posts.

Jeffrey Rozwadowski
Jeffrey Rozwadowski
4 years ago

You had it right the first time around. He was born in Poland, not Croatia (

4 years ago

Is he real or is he a plastic doll? Way too much! I don’t like it.

4 years ago

One of the most beautiful men on the planet. If I’m not mistaken, I think he was on a fairly recent season of The Bachelorette and that summer follow-up in Mexico.

4 years ago

en mi opinion es el mismo hombre, pero se opero la nariz (y quedo perfecto!!)

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