Check Out The Incredible Muscle Ass Of Javi Kiko

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This is definitely one for all the fans of hot and tight muscle butts, although the rest of Javi Kiko is going to interest you, too.

We've been seeing a lot of Spanish men here on the blog over the last few months and I'm not sure why there's been this sudden increase. I'm definitely pleased about it, I know from experience that there are a lot of gorgeous guys in Spain!

I probably don't need to tell you that Javi Kiko is a personal trainer and nutritionist, do I? We've had this discussion so many times on the blog it kind of goes without saying that a man with a body like this could probably only be in that line of work. It's more noteworthy when we discover a guy like this manages to hold down a different job completely outside of fitness.

It's working for him, obviously.

He has an incredible body and he looks great in snug little undies, too.

It has to be said we prefer him out of them, and although there's only one photo in this shoot by Body Project where we get to see that muscle ass it's probably the best photo of the bunch and they clearly knew it was necessary.

Will we find a shoot with him completely naked? I think if it was the right photographer he would do it. He obviously takes pride in that body and I can't imagine that he's shy.

I might have to spend some time later looking for more of the guy :)

Enjoy, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button, share the post and all that lovely stuff you guys do. See you back here tomorrow for more hotness!

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3 years ago

What a gorgeous man! I have a “thing” for Hispanic men; their swarthy good looks and muscular bodies. I love the fact that a lot of Hispanic guys can shave, and have a 5-o’clock shadow two hours later! Must be all that testosterone. Javi is definitely a treat in his tighty-whities, but I agree a full-frontal is just what we need!

Gordon Harris
Gordon Harris
3 years ago

Javi Kiko does have an awesome butt. His body is great too. Thanks.

3 years ago

…. a big helllllo from Arnie Schwarzenegger

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