Check Out The Hunky Hotness Of Alex Roque

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Some men just ooze sex appeal, don't they? I've met guys like this plenty of times and they always impress and intimidate me a little. They're the guys who just carry themselves with such confidence and sexy charisma that when they walk into a room everyone stops and stares.

I think Alex Roque is one of those guys.

I've only just discovered this handsome hunk but apparently he's an actor and personal trainer living and working in London. In fact, he does look a little familiar so I'm wondering if maybe I've seen him in something.

I definitely think he should add a lot more modeling to his professional work, though.

This handsome man has a whole lot of what we like to see and I can totally imagine him posing for an underwear company.

He has an incredible physique. He's so handsome. He has a great smile. Clearly he has the confidence and sexiness to show off and really deliver in some male modeling work.

Leave a comment and let me know what you guys think. Hit the thumbs-up button if you want to see more of him, too.

Have a great Thursday and I'll see you all back here tomorrow for more hotness!

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3 years ago

Very sexy treasure trail…

3 years ago

He’s off-the-charts stunning.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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