Check Out The Buns On Sexy Male Model Asier Aceras

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Happy Friday guys! Yes, we have come to the end of another week and I feel as though I might finally be able to give myself a full two days off. It's been a while, even though I keep planning for it I somehow always end up back at my desk and doing something.

And speaking of things I rarely do... I'm going to agree with the inevitable comments about that tattoo on this handsome young man's chest. It's not enough for me to dislike him, not by a long shot, but I have to say that I think it's a little over the top.

Still, the rest of Asier Aceras is stunning, and I know most of you are probably here for that sexy ass and the way he likes to tease.

Photographer Joan Crisol is responsible for delivering these photos. Well, in fact my buddy Mike is responsible from bringing them to my email in box, but Joan has created this deliciousness for us to ogle and enjoy.

We've never seen Asier Aceras on the blog before but I think we might need a little more of him. I'm already wondering if he's posed naked for any other photographers. He definitely seems like the kind of confident and fit young man who wouldn't hesitate to take his clothes off for a good shoot.

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button and share the post so your friends and followers get to enjoy that glistening jock body :)

Have a lovely Friday!

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3 years ago

love that he is teasing us with his cupped hand showing just enough of his big dick to wet our appetites. Gets my thumbs up anytime.

3 years ago

The awful tattoos distract from the beauty of the chest and shoulder musculature. What a shame.

3 years ago

what a body, what a charming face! quel canon, quoi !

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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