Check Out The Ass Of Sexy Marco D’Arminio

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Happy Friday everyone! I hope you're having a great day so far. It's the end of another week and while that probably means a lot less now than it used to we can all hopefully still look forward to a couple of days of *less* work than we would be doing otherwise, right? lol

I have a hot guy to finish the work week for you and I get the feeling at least a few of you are gonna want more of him after this.

His name is Marco D’Arminio and although we haven't seen him on the blog before I know a few of you are gonna be hoping there's a lot more of him to enjoy.

As you can see from these photos he's a very sexy model who knows a thing or two about being a tease. He's showing off his sexy ass and bulge for us in this shoot but from what I've seen of other shoots he's appeared in he's not particularly shy and I think we might get a more erotic shoot with him in the future.

I know nothing about the photographer for this shoot other than they go by the name of Angelo. They're a little mysterious, perhaps they're new to the business or something. I like their work, they clearly know how to present a hot man like this guy!

Enjoy, leave a comment and hit that thumbs-up button. Have a great Friday and try not to work too hard :)

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