Check Out Handsome London Lad Kurtis Peters-Hartman

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Hey guys! I think I overdid things last night a little, and I only realized when I got to about 11pm that I hadn't eaten much of anything all day so that probably didn't help the celebrations lol

Yes, I'm suffering a little this morning, but it's worth it.

I was going to try to find some kind of American-themed shoot for you guys to enjoy today as a kind of celebration but then I found an email with pics of London hottie Kurtis Peters-Hartman and I knew a lot of you guys would enjoy him.

Yes, before you ask he is very much the reality TV show type of guy, he's been in at least one of those shows, but I think he needs to be admired for his modeling work and that damn fine body.

I have to admit that he's a little too manicured for my taste, usually, but I can't deny that this guy is damn handsome and he's got an amazing body to show off too. Apparently he's not shy about showing it all off but I haven't yet found any naked pics so I guess he's waiting for the right opportunity for that kind of shoot.

Enjoy him, leave a comment, and have a wonderful Sunday!

If you don't mind I'm gonna go and have a bit of a snooze, I think I woke up too early lol

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4 years ago

Great-looking, beautiful body, dynamite legs and navel. Gets an “A” from me.

4 years ago

Pretty top to toe.

4 years ago


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