Check Out Hairy Hunk Niko Antonyan!

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Happy Saturday guys! I'm so glad this week is finally over, it's been sweltering here for quite a few days now but this morning has been much nicer. See, I'm British, and we can't go a day without complaining about the weather :)

And speaking of being way too hot...

Check out Niko Antonyan, an Armenian stud who looks so damn good I think I could become addicted to searching for more shoots featuring him. He's a personal trainer (of course) and a male model, and he certainly knows how to look the part in these random photos I managed to track down.

So far he seems to have kept his pants on, which is a shame because I don't think I'm the only one who would love to see this guy totally in the buff and showing it all off.

He's a powerful looking guy, with a great scruffy look to him that I think is gonna have a lot of you thinking a lot about how it would feel to explore that bod :)

Don't worry, he's on my special list now, I'm gonna be looking for more of this guy in the future. By all means let me know if there's a shoot you're aware of that I should check out.

You know what to do now... leave a comment and hit that thumbs-up button, share the post if you have friends and followers who'd like to see this big handsome hunk.

Have a fantastic Saturday!

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5 years ago


5 years ago

Does he have male breast, chest implants? Never seen so much volume under the nipple when the chest muscle is exercise developed.

5 years ago

@Vic he does seem disproportionate in the chest area. Very handsome face though

2 months ago

There are two gay sex videos of this guy. Search for Niko Antonyan naked, and they should show up.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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