Chad White Is One Of The Yummiest!

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I've decided this afternoon that the handsome and studly Chad White is the most gorgeous male models in the world. I don't care if you don't agree with me, I'm putting my foot down on this one and calling it whether you like it or not.

I know, I'll probably say the same thing about another handsome and buff hunk this time next week, what can I say, I guess I'm a little fickle when it comes to gorgeous men.

We've seen him on the blog plenty of times before, but we can never get enough of him. So, when I saw this shoot for Atlantics Underwear today I knew another long post of pics was gonna be up before the day was out.

He's such an athletic guy, the kind of guy I have a tendency to go a little goo goo over, if that makes any sense at all? I love muscled men and big beefy guys, but there's something so hot about a guy who looks like he goes on a ten mile run every single morning - as long as he doesn't try to get my running along with him, of course! He'd probably need a defibrillator in his back pack.

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Karly Engracia
Karly Engracia
10 years ago

Chad <3

10 years ago

He’s a bit thin for my taste, as most male models are, for that matter. But, he is fit and I can certainly see what you and others find attractive in this All American, boy next door look.

Henry James
Henry James
10 years ago

Insanely gorgeous, sexy, hot-as-hell, hunky man to die for.

10 years ago

The longevity of this guy’s career is amazing/ don’t know when these pics were taken but he’s always been on the thin side/ for a model I guess its the way to go but all of you remember this is the same guy with one of the most famous ass pics on the internet/ he has buzzed hair& holding with both hands, a skaketboard behind his head.. I do think he could use a couple more pieces of cheesecake:-)

Robert Leck
Robert Leck
10 years ago

yes like his peach fuzz happy trail.

other hunkies
other hunkies
10 years ago

Do you think he is handsoemr than Willy monfret,Eduardo verastegui and Freddie Ljungberg?

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